Day 21: First Stones!

Day 21 of 365 Days of a Happy Home!

Several years ago when visiting LA, I happened upon an awesome Italian pottery store (Cottura, now closed) and bought my first First Stone. These tiles are rich with allegorical images and bring good wishes and peace to your home. That’s why we are including them in our 365 Days of a Happy Home blog. The tradition of placing these tiles on the walls of new homes dates back to the 16th century in Italy. They make great house warming gifts! Many are hung by the front door to show permanence.

When life gives you lemons… Fruit in art represents vitality, abundance.

The moon represents calmness, beauty, nurturing!

Birds represent freedom, nobility, bravery, fertility!

In Mediterranean art, the sun represents power and strength.

Bring on the sun!

A compass can be your guide!

This says it all!!!


Day 20: Outdoor Furniture!


Day 22: East Meets West (in the bedroom)!