Day 123: Silver!

Day 123 of 365 Days of a Happy Home!

Silver vases, no matter what they contain, have a way of elevating their contents. The perceived value of silver, and perhaps it pretty, shiny finish, coupled with the suggestion of being an heirloom, all add to our perception of not only something special, but sentimental. If you're like me, these items have spent one too many months tucked away. Introduce a rag, some polish and a little love!  Voila! That silver baby cup, old picture frame, or Champagne bucket are revamped and re purposed, turning that vacant corner space into a sparkly, silvery conversation station!

Succulents in Silver!

Succulents in Silver!

Thyme in antique silver footed bowl. I can almost smell the aroma!

Vintage trophies planted with moss.

More trophies used as planters. I can picture these in my kitchen window sill and watching them grow over dishes!

A collection of antique trophy cups serves as a useful display in this kitchen where they hold spoons and other kitchen utensils.

Not throwing a New Years party any time soon? Repurpose that vintage silver champagne bucket for utensils!

What a neat use of the everpresent silver baby cup! Used here as a scoop and measure.

Antique silver as bathroom accessories!

Add to the accessories by repurposing those silver trays in a dining room drawer as towel racks.

This collection of vintage silver trays provides unique yet personal wall decor.


122: Colored Glass Accents


124: My Rug is My Canvas