119: Mood Boards

A friend shared that after sacrificing  her kitchen table (and frustrating her husband) one time too many that she became a huge fan of mood boards. At first, it was primarily an attempt to organize, coalesce her ideas, and yes, pick up all her design inspirations (or “clutter” says “frustrated husband”). She pulled out an old cork board and started pinning those scraps of beautiful fabric, loose ribbons and inspirational magazine tear-outs. And viola, her mood board was born.

Why not create a mood board to launch a room design? For many, redesigning a space, a room, or a Happy Home, can be an overwhelming task. Pulling together your fabric scraps and design inspirations is a great way to sort through and streamline your ideas. Try it out, I bet you’d be surprised how cohesive your design sense is.  Here are a few for inspiration: 

Here's an example of someone with a specific design idea in mind for their master suite re-do, but creating a mood board allows us to see how all these key elements come and work together.

This is what my mood boards usually look like, at least initially. An unfiltered collection of colors, fabrics, images and patterns can be a great launching point for a room design. It allows us to not only see what and where our design inclinations are headed, but also what is not working, which can be equally important.

A quirky, retro mood board but a great example of how it can be used to launch a room design!

Perhaps it's color that guides your room design. Collect examples of different ways the color is used and expressed in decor for inspiration!

Or perhaps it more a mood or theme that guides your design sense. I'm getting a warm, relaxed vibes here, with a hint of jungle fervor. What moods move you?

A mood board of textures and fabrics to inspire! Individually, each of these elements seem very different, but by pulling them together we can visualize how they can work together in creating a unique space. Seems this decorator is also feeling a little jungle fervor!

Now this looks like a kitchen mood board I'd like to see come to life! Even something as small as these bowls can really inform and inspire a room design.

Oh how I'd love a cork wall like this! While this example isn't design specific, I can imagine a wall full of pictures, colors, postcards, patterns; all the things that make you and your home happy!


Day 118: Organized Garage


120: The Neutral Zone